What’s client access?
It’s the green screen to login in to the server.
Name that server ?
Our server | Machine name | Operating system name |
Odin | AS/400 | OS/400 |
| Iseries | OS/400 |
| System I | I5/os |
Zeus | Power systems | IBM i |
Definitions :
Power systems | Unix equivalent |
User id | Account |
Library | Similar to a directory |
Interactive job | What you do from the time you sign on to when you sign off |
Batch Job | Work that you submitted to the background |
Queue | |
| |
| |
System Values VS user profile
- System values configures Zeus for everyone .
- User profile customizes Zeus configurations .
What’s Zeus doing ?
- Work with active jobs.
- System vs subsystem
**Shift + ESC then number 2 to exit a program “ Shut a program “
How the system I finds objects ?
- When an object is created , it is created ‘in a particular library .
- To access an object . the I series
There are 8000 library in the system .
** Library list consists
MSGS are NOT objects .
SPOOLED Files are NOT Objects .
How do libraries get on your library list
**When you create a physical file and you don’t specify the library the system assume that you want to store it in your current library.
Steps to writing a CL program
1- Created a source physical file.” QCLLE SRC “.
2- Created a member – Type CLLE .
3- Typed in code .
4- Saved and complied
5- Tested program
Steps to writing a RPG program,
1- Created a source physical file.” QRPGLE SRC “.
2- Created a member – Type RPLLE .
3- Typed in code .
4- Saved and complied
5- Tested program
REMINDER : SHUT THE MACHINE DOWN When you done because RDP stores your source files !
How to create physical file in RDP
1- Right click in your library and select create source physical file .
2- And then create member in source physical file by clicking right click on the physical file.
Whats DDS ?
6- Created a source physical file.” QDDS SRC “.
7- Created a member – Type PF
8- Typed in code .
9- Saved and complied
10- Tested program
DB2 – the database
· Objects created using either DDS coded programs
Primary key: is a piece of information to define each record.